What You Need to Know and Do Newly pregnant Part 1

antenatal or prenatal full Oct 29, 2024

Are you excited as an expectant mother-to-be?

You’ve likely got that rather typically overwhelming feeling of “Oh heck, am I doing everything right?!”

Buckle-up as in this Part-1 episode it is all about those very first things you wonder when newly pregnant (or don’t realize you should be wondering about) including:

  • Everything about Dating Scans and explaining how an EDD (Estimated Due Date) truly actually works.
  • Plus details on the optional 12-week Down’s Syndrome scan/blood screen and what that’s all about.
  • Specific advice around the Signs & Symptoms of Miscarriage, including what to do, and what not to do.
  • Additionally, an overview about Morning Sickness; and finally information on all those first set of “Booking” Blood tests.