What’s your advice on how I can recover from a C-section?
Nov 19, 2024Holding a pillow against your tummy will help all getting-up and getting down movements (and coughing, sneezing or laughing). You may remain connected to pain relief into the second day, dependent on how your recovery is progressing. Six hours afterwards, your nurse-midwife will encourage you to go for a short stroll around the ward to avoid thrombosis. Walking is very beneficial for recovering from all abdominal surgery, and the quicker you are up on your feet again, the quicker the recovery time. The homeopathic remedies: Staphysagria (for healing recovery) and Raphanus (to ease digestion) are both helpful with Caesar recovery, as is the herb comfrey, and valerian tea — and arnica is extremely beneficial with all healing processes. Paracetamol is, of course, a good pain reliever — especially combined with the over-the-counter anti-inflammatory ibuprofen. Take things easy when you are back home, watch out for bacterial infection on the wound site with its symptomatic fever, driving a car isn’t recommended. Once your Caesar scar becomes quite itchy and sensitive, calendula cream can help.