What can we do to help induce a good sleeping routine for my baby?

bassinet sleeping routine Nov 14, 2024

DON’T make the bassinet or cot an overly stimulating environment with loads of mobiles, toys, activities, etc. Yes, there should be a few things of interest to look at when they wake, but not heaps of stimulating toys. It should be a serene, restful environment. You want to teach baby that the cot is for going to sleep in. DON’T let a young baby sleep for longer than 3½–4 hours each day sleep, otherwise they are bound to get their daytime and night-time confused, e.g. having a six-hour sleep during the day, and two-hour sleeps at night.  DON’T resort to offering middle-of-the-night feeds once your baby has already slept through the night. It is way too easy for parents to have an infant successfully sleeping through the night, just to up-turn everything by offering a ‘wee-hour comfort-feed’ through teething, illness or similar — and very quickly they’ve re-created a baby hooked again on the middle-of-the-night snack. DON’T routinely let your wee baby fall asleep in a place that is not specifically intentioned for sleeping (e.g. in a bouncinette), as it is sending them mixed signals. It’s going to happen accidentally, and that’s fine . . . you leave your baby in the bouncer while you have a shower and come out to find your little poppet is fast asleep. That’s OK. But wake baby a little before you put them down to sleep properly in their bed. Your baby will probably cry a bit, but that’s OK too, they’ll soon nod off again, fingers crossed.