What are warning signs which I need to inform my LMC about?

lmc midwife pre-eclampsia warning signs Nov 21, 2024

Among the situations where you have to call the LMC immediately would be as follows:

active vaginal bleeding (beyond normal bloody ‘shows’); sudden, sharp, severe abdominal pains; pre-eclampsia symptoms (e.g. visual disturbances, frontal headaches, liver pain, upper body swelling); waters breaking before 37 weeks; waters breaking with fluid looking greenish-brown (amniotic liquor should be clear, pink or straw-coloured); reduced fetal movements (at least 10 sets of movements each 24 hours is generally fine); large amounts of fetal movement, then everything goes very quiet (try drinking iced water and give bubs an encouraging rub first); regular rhythmic central abdominal pains before 37 weeks; severely itchy skin on palms or soles of feet, especially at night; painful, frequent, urgent urination, or urine that is unusually dark, pink, opaque or smelly.