What are the known facts about Postpartum or Postnatal depression?
Nov 21, 2024PND is defined as a non-psychotic depressive illness of mild to moderate severity. Women are most vulnerable to PND in the first six weeks to three months after childbirth, nevertheless it can begin any time within the first two years. This anxiety or mood disorder can last anywhere from a few weeks to a few years (or for a lifetime if never recognised or self-cured). PND is very treatable; the recovery rate with treatment (pharmacological and psycho-social) is high. The longer it is left untreated, the longer it may take to recover from. One of the best screening tools to diagnose PND is to complete the ten multichoice questions of the EPDS (Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale) — at six weeks, three months and six months after the birth. Primary and secondary triggers for PND are listed in pages 385 – 387. While the symptoms, which vary in degree and frequency.