What are some ways to help cure Sore Nipple Syndrome?

nipple care Nov 14, 2024

Among the things you can do is to check your breastfeeding technique with a midwife, hospital lactation consultant, La Leche League or a girlfriend who has successfully breastfed 2-3 children. Second is to make sure you’ve got the other basics correct too, e.g. only removing baby off your breasts by inserting your little finger into the corner of the mouth to release the suction first. Don’t wash your breasts with soap. Don’t rub nipples dry, just pat them. Don’t think you need to wash your nipples between feeds either. Third is to have your LMC or doctor check in case there is another undiagnosed medical reason why your nipples are sore. More of these are listed down in pages 194-195. If you already tried all the other recommendations and yet you are still experiencing a painful breastfeeding experience, you can refer to page 196 for remedies.