What are some things that I have to watch out for when feeding solids?
Nov 13, 2024Never feed infants hard, small pieces of food which could get stuck in their throats, such as round carrot slices, peanuts, popcorn, sausage skins or hard fruit pieces — and always buy boneless fillets of fish, and chop up pieces of dried fruit. Fresh fruit should be well ripened before being consumed, particularly bananas. With canned fruit and fruit-snack tubs, choose fruit in natural fruit juice rather than sugary syrup. If your baby is experiencing asthma or eczema, then a reduction (or sometimes complete elimination) of dairy products may help enormously (especially cheese), though you will need to replace their calcium intake with other food sources (e.g. rice milk, soy milk, hummus, almond butter, broccoli, oranges, molasses, canned tuna and canned salmon).