What are some symptoms of PND?

gut ache plummeting self-image and self-esteem tearfulness Nov 21, 2024

Number and degree of symptoms varies for every individual.

  • Miserable, depressed mood of a deep, unrelenting sadness — like a gut ache, nearly all or all the time (though often worse in the morning).
  • Tearfulness, or crying ‘all’ the time, or the inability to cry even though you feel you need to.
  • Feeling immense shame, low self-worth, unrelenting self-guilt or crippling self-reproach (e.g. blaming oneself unnecessarily when things go wrong). Or lacking confidence, so feeling like an inadequate failure suffering massive self-doubt.
  • Plummeting self-image and self-esteem.
  • Feeling overwhelmed, finding it difficult to cope
  • Feeling confused, indecisive, uncertain
  • Being irritable and hypersensitive
  • Lacking interest, having no interest
  • Feeling tired, exhausted, apathetic.
  • Feeling alone and remote.
  • Compulsively obsessing over everyday things.
  • Lost vocabulary.
  • Insomnia, wakeful sleeps
  • Talking all the time, even when hardly anyone is listening to you — or not talking at all.
  • More of these symptoms are listed in pages 387-389.