What are some secondary causes for PND?

infertility issues obstetric events painful perineum Nov 21, 2024

Secondary causes for PND include: obstetric events (e.g. disappointing obstetric complications).

  • Very early discharge from hospital (say within 1–2 days).
  • Choosing not to breastfeed or experiencing breastfeeding difficulties.
  • Unsupportive spouse during pregnancy (e.g. not attending antenatal classes).
  • Financial hardships (e.g. low household income or unemployment), or low occupational status.
  • Ongoing negative family relationship issues (particularly between the new mum and her own mother).
  • More coughs, colds or minor illnesses than usual.
  • Infertility issues prior to pregnancy.
  • Sexual problems
  • Inability to converse fluently in the local language
  • Other health problems
  • Painful perineum (sore fanny), or Caesarean-section pain.