What are some remedies that I can do to address colic?

breastfeeding colic signs formula feeding remedies Nov 20, 2024

Some remedies you can do include: Burp baby.

  • Remove baby from an overstimulating environment.
  • Check that you are not fiddling with your baby while feeding
  • Feed your baby when your breasts aren’t engorged
  • If the baby is formula-fed, swap formula to a brand designed for colicky babies (hypoallergenic). And swap to bottle and teat with special anticolic valve, such as MAM or Avent.
  • Warmth can be soothing, so lie baby on a hot-water bottle or heated wheat-bag wrapped in a hand-towel or cloth nappy. Or, fill a little ziplock plastic bag with warm water and place it on baby’s tummy under their nappy. Or, lie baby face down on your lap with a warm hot-water bottle under their belly.
  • Massage can be soothing: rub the tummy clockwise, rub the back anti- clockwise (both following the direction of the large intestine’s colon); do bicycling motions with baby’s legs, give a foot massage.
  • Try Gripe Water.
  • Avoid feeding baby starchy food.
  • Breastfeeding mothers can try natural teas such as catnip, fennel seed, peppermint, liquorice, chamomile, ginger, mothers milk and/or lactagogue; and add rosemary to your diet — all reputably have good tonic effects on a baby. A lengthy list is in page 304.