How is ADD/ADHD characterized?
Oct 25, 2024It is characterised by distractibility, short attention span, impulsive behaviour, moody irritability, potential low self-esteem and learning disabilities — what some people used to term a ‘naughty, unmanageable child’. ADHD has become synonymous with the cerebral cortex psycho- stimulant methylphenidate (Ritalin) — a cousin to ‘speed’. You see, paradoxically, children with genuine ADHD respond to this ‘upper’ by becoming less hyper. But methylphenidate has many common side effects. Yes, it can help a child to stay focused in class and write on a straight line, but at the same time, he or she can become serious, sullen, rarely laugh, and may have a low appetite. The happy energy and giggles can vanish. Hyperactivity is commonly one of the body’s negative responses to food hypersensitivity. Naturopaths can often assist greatly to pinpoint the culprit, thereby avoiding an ongoing cycle of doctor’s visits and medications with unpleasant side effects. Just daily doses of Fish Oil have been very well documented to oftentimes ‘cure’ ADHD.