So, how does my newborn look like upon giving birth?
Nov 20, 2024Don’t be startled, dear parents. Babies are initially wet with mucous and blood and perhaps have some greeny-black meconium poo on them. Babies who are born early are smeared in a creamy, white, greasy, waxy paste called vernix caseosa, which protects them from becoming prune-like while living inside your tummy. Overdue babies will have an overcooked look — hands and feet appear wrinkled and skin is peeling from being immersed in the water for so long. Some babies can look as a wrinkly old person at first. Their skin violet-blue colour until they have breathed oxygen and pinked up. Their faces are shaped by Mother Nature to suckle comfortably including a receding chin, squashed nose and wide mouth. Their skull is huge as compared to the size of their face. Babies can look a bit bruised or have a cone head or have dark body hair which will eventually go away. More descriptions are listed in page 143- 147.