What are basic burping techniques? What are basic burping techniques?

burping positions sharlene poole tummy rub Nov 13, 2024

Hold bub over your shoulder with legs straight down and rub upwards, or gently pat bub on the back (but don’t go overboard with patting too vigorously).

  • With bub lying on his back, pull his legs up gently in a cycling motion.
  • Lay bub on his tummy across your forearm, rubbing his back (so your supporting arm is putting light pressure on bub’s abdomen).
  • Rub bub’s tummy in a backward ‘C’ (which traces the colon).
  • Sit bub straight upright sideways in your lap, slightly leaning forward, supporting bub’s head under the chin with your other hand, then rub his back in light anti-clockwise circles (which traces the colon), or rub upwards.
  • Lie bub down flat and then stand bub up a few times (to move the bubble of air up to the top of his stomach).
  • Read Sharlene Poole’s Baby Whispering book for more advice.