How I recover faster from a stretched cervix, ventouse delivery, perineal tears or episiotomy?
Nov 19, 2024Consider taking the frozen ice-packs that you can put on your perineum to soothe the area and help to prevent swelling. With this, it is not advisable to soak in a hot bath in the first 24 hours to avoid more swelling and infection. As for the well-stretched vagina, it will take 3-4 weeks to return to almost its old size, so it’s time to start those old pelvic-floor exercises over the next 2-3 months. When you have difficulty finding a comfortable sitting position, take paracetamol and ibuprofen. After an episiotomy, you may consider having some help with post-delivery poo. A natural healing agent could be gauze soaked in witch hazel or aloe vera gel and placed in your sanitary pad. Although your urine is sterile, vigilant hygiene is still a must, so shower daily — and it’s a popular practice to gently dry that tender area with a hairdryer instead of patting it dry. You can try standing a little over the loo instead of sitting, so that the pee has less chance of touching your sutures.