How do I prepare myself for the active phase of labour?
Nov 20, 2024Labour is a primal activity — so completely disengage the time-aware active-thinking brain, and engage the time-unaware, zoned-out primitive brain. Let the pain wash over you, not take over you. Try hard to breathe through the centre of the pain to let it go. And do take your power-rests between contractions. If you feel a strong need to rest, then lie down on your left side rolling towards your tummy, with a pillow between your legs (akin to the CPR ‘recovery’ position). Hydration is essential for dilatation. Sip water after every contraction and empty your bladder every hour. Remember your breathing techniques. You may ask your birth assistant for a massage or putting the TENS onto your lower back. Upon regaining some pauses, do some gentle walks, kneel or dance. Trust your body and trust the process.