How do I cure yeast infection on my nipples and on my baby’s mouth?

antifungal medication homeopathy infant yeast infection milk curd nipple yeast infection Nov 13, 2024

Yeast infection causes the breast nipple and areola to become inflamed, red, shiny, painful and cracked, with perhaps itching or a searing, burning sensation. While your babe may have white patches of milk curd on the tongue or on the inside of the cheeks, develop a nappy rash of red spots, a fever, or diarrhoea.  A pharmaceutical remedy for the baby and nipples can be to use antifungal medication (such as Daktarin oral gel or topical Nystatin liquid), or antibiotics. Old-fashioned treatments can be the use of vinegar to wash nipples and rinsing them before and after feeds and giving the babe some sterile water with couple of drops of vinegar. Mums need to increase good bacteria by eating acidophilus and bifidus yoghurt and eliminating all sugars and refined carbohydrates from your diet.