Edit with WPBakery Page Builder Kathy Fray Education, Toddler early readers, Matthews effect, neural circuitry, young readers —No comments Published 2018/06/14 at 2:26 am Focus keyphrase not set. Needs improvement 0 Select How is child rearing affecting toddlers at this stage? How is child rearing affecting toddlers at this stage?

empathetic extroverted facial expressions introverted liberal emotional tones sympathetic listening Nov 13, 2024

I have observed that an introverted and bashful child may find it a challenge to deal with two extroverted and sociable parents. They’re the quiet-as-a-mouse ‘cling on’ at barbecues, rarely venturing from Mom or Dad’s side. But typically, between seven and nine years of age, they turn out just fine, and are happily running around playing with all the other kids with normal levels of confidence. And on the other side, there’s the extroverted and gregarious child with introverted and timid parents, but I’ve only seen that rarely (the parents don’t get out much). These children also seem to end up just fine. So, I encourage you to use abundant facial expressions, liberal emotional tones, and empathetic and sympathetic listening with your child, because body language and sentiments are intrinsically a part of learning the art of communication.