Am I in labour? When do I contact the LMC?

false labour labour contractions premature labour Nov 20, 2024

For a first baby in a low-risk woman, contact your LMC when you are awake most of the night with latent labour, or your waters have broken overnight, or you have had some bloody shows, then contact your LMC mid-morning.  Your birth support person should phone your LMC once you have clearly established into active labour (e.g. have had one to two hours of three to four contractions every 10 minutes, all lasting 60–90 seconds). If towards the end of your pregnancy, you get these symptoms, you should also contact your LMC:  frontal headaches, liver pain or visual disturbances which may be a sign of pre-eclampsic toxaemia. Another is irritatingly itchy palms and soles, especially worsening at night which could be cholestasis and you need some blood tests.