Am I expected to go up and about immediately after giving birth?

post pregnancy recovery Nov 14, 2024

After nine months of pregnancy and giving birth, it is really important, in the first six weeks, to try to spend more time lying down than standing up — and sit as much as you can too, to avoid standing. Rest is paramount. And when you lie down, try having your feet raised higher than your head — it’s a very good position to recuperate in. Know too that several short strolls are significantly more advisable than one long walk. Carrying anything heavier than your baby is also not a good idea. Apart from your healing uterus (and other body parts), after childbirth your body is also ultra-sensitive to your blood’s insulin levels, which can result in making you feel weak, with reduced energy. Listen to your healing body. If you don’t, you’ll probably get a headache or migraine . . . or even sicker.